Monday, June 17, 2013

Big Inflatable Bungee Bull Ride

Bungee Bull All American Inflatable Ride

see it at

Seriously, what is more American than riding a wild bucking bull... it is riding a wild bucking Bungee Bull with an inflatable arena to land on. The newest response to the mechanical bull ride, this one is safe, easy, and fun...
People are always asking, "How can I start a bounce, slide, and party rental business in my city?"  Start your new inflatables business this summer, or add to your current extreme inflatables line-up, by celebrating our favorite Patriotic holiday in the USA, the 4th of July.  This is the hottest time of year for bounce, slide, and yes inflatable bungee bull rides to be rented. Choose to spend your holidays and weekend this summer making money while you are having fun.  This is a much desired outcome by many people starting new home based businesses today.

This great opportunity to start a business with the single purchase of an inflatable bull like this one is that you spend the same as you would on several smaller units but this one inflatable bull ride will bring you profits for months to come.  And.. the rate you get will equal the rental rate of three smaller units.  For less than $700 a day you can rent your new bungee bull and see a return on investment, ROI, of anywhere from $700 to $2100 and more per weekend.  And the inflatable bungee bull ride is very rentable during the week when you offer it to your local nightclubs and rodeos close to your city.

Invest today in a fun challenging extreme inflatable and watch your rental schedule fill fast. Word-of-mouth on one of these inflatable bull rides is more than you can ask for to help market your exciting new USA Patriotic All American Bungee Bull Inflatable Ride.

Accessories included- steel work, aluminum-padded Bull, bungee cords, ropes, and one Blower.
On sale right now and a great way to start your new kids party rental business.  For only $6370 your new Bull Riding Business has started.  Announce your new company on the radio, offer it no charge for a local radio promotion and sign up the contestants as they leave this awesome experience to schedule the Bungee Bull at their next event.

Steve Gray, owner of Inflatable 2000 and experienced in a lifetime of creative and successful inflatable rides offers this, "participants ride on a foam padded bull and hang on for dear life while fellow cowpoke pull four bungee cords, attempting to safely toss you off onto an inflatable mattress to cushion your fall...because you WILL fall. Hold on tight for the ride of your life! Great for team building, as the teams pull on the cords trying to knock the opponent off."

Put some real "bucks" in your summer fun, start a home based inflatable bull rental business, or purchase one for your rodeo or nightclub today and watch this All American Bungee Bull Inflatable Ride pay off in laughs and cash.

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